About Us - AccessibleTech
Accessibility on Information Systems allows access to people with special needs to high technology software. Frequently, there are barriers for the assistive technology that people with special needs use, resulting in denied access to information that is available to people without special needs.
The groups of people with accessibility requirements include groups with vision problems (lost or impaired), hearing problems (lost or impaired), kinetic problems, learning disabilities, and dyslexia to name a few. In addition, aging users face increased problems using IT systems due to increased vision problems.

Accessibility compliance is required by the federal, state, and local governments and is favored by the private industry. Companies of the private industry that are doing business with the government are obliged to provide accessible systems. However, this field requires strong experience to tackle and resolve complex problems in inaccessible IT systems. It also requires frequent audits and maintenance once the system is initially corrected. Professional documentation provides the necessary information to establish, correct, and maintain an accessible system in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act, section 508.
This is a service that is not widely offered in IT industry. There are plenty of companies with systems with inadequate or no accessibility that when sued by frustrated users cost enormous amounts of money and constitute a public relations disaster.
A focused specialty in this area will allow effective use of resources that will in turn yield lower cost and faster production. An accessible system and web site will attract additional customers that belong to special groups and the system will be in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act, section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.